My First “Where There’s A Willis” Post….But Not Really!

I’m a blogger – a coupon blogger, a mommy blogger, which ever one you consider me to be. I try to do it all within my Coupon Friendly blog (my LLC. – yep, I’m a legal business owner – go me!), including but not limited to sharing deals, freebies, DIY projects, super easy recipes, and reviewing products. I try to be pretty personal on there, but there’s only so far that I will go. 11143602_750062168447269_5896240061547780292_nToday, I thought to myself, “Hey, self! How about trying out a simple little personal blog, to keep family-friendly memories on to share with friends and family?” Yes! I concurred. What a fantastic idea. But what about a name?

It MUST be catchy, and clever. How could I incorporate my name in the title? It hit me quickly…

There’s a saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way!” What a quote, right?! In the words of Jimmy MacElroy from Blades of Glory (okay, it was actually Walt Disney), “If you can dream it, you can do it!” I’m not a perfect person or parent, but I’m working hard…and I have a strong desire to give my family the life that I didn’t have growing up. And if I want it bad enough, I can do just that.

So there we have it. “Where There’s A Willis” was created. I’m so excited to be starting this new journey in my life. My posts may share some struggles I’m enduring, along with positive situations, hoping to show others that though I have gone through some hardships growing up, I’m going to come out of it better and stronger – and if I can, then anyone can! And I’ve come out of it because of my faith in my Heavenly Father (which I will also be writing about on this blog). I won’t be forgetting fun tips, projects and recipes, so stick around!

You’re about to learn about me…the REAL me. Get ready!


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